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Title I

Parents/Guardians of Children in Grades K-5:

Stephens County School District’s Title I Program wants to know how you, as a parent or guardian, feel the schools and the district are doing to meet your child’s needs. The information that you provide will help us evaluate and improve how our schools, families, and parents work together to help all students achieve academically. Your input is very valuable, and we thank you for the time to complete the annual Title I survey.


The Family-School Partnership Program believes that parents, schools, families, and communities working together can create meaningful partnerships that ultimately lead to significant gains across the board in student achievement.

What is Title I?

Title I is the largest federally funded program for elementary, middle, and high schools. Through Title I, money is given to school districts around the country based on the number of low-income families in each district. Each district uses its Title I money for extra educational services for children most in need of educational help. The focus of the Title I program is on helping all students meet the same high standards and expectations.

As part of its Assurances within NCLB program grant applications and pursuant to Section 9306 of the No Child Left Behind Act, an LEA accepting federal funds also agrees to adopt local written procedures for the receipt and resolution of complaints alleging violations of law in the administration of covered programs. For more information, contact Stephens County Schools: